Saturday, June 28, 2008

Assignments from 6/27/08

Hey everyone, good work this past class! You all picked it up a lot faster than I must have practiced =) I know I went over a LOT this past time (sorry for those first-timers) but I figure you guys can handle we have an extra week of practice. So, quick run down of things I'd like for you to practice:

1) Try to incorporate strumming into your playing. So, play through some of the songs that are in G like we did in class. First do all downbeats and then switch on the different chords. As you get comfortable with that, try doing different strum variations (you can try the praise strum). This will really help you learn your chords as well as get you to actually playing songs. If you can sing along as well...added bonus! =)

2) Learn some of the new chords. Learn A & E first - they are most important. Then work on the minors - Am & Dm. Lastly, try F major. That is a difficult chord to play because it requires using your pointy finger to press onto 2 strings. Play through Blessed Be Your Name while ignoring the F#m.

3) Review string names as well as the names of notes (eg. A B C D E F G) along with whether it's a half or whole step in between.

I think that's about it. Keep trying to get familiar w/ the chords. The more you use them, the more your finger will remember. Also, if you have not yet sent me your favorite song/a song you want to play, please do. As Kathy can attest, we actually listen to your suggestions =)

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